TUZVO students in all study levels (bachelor, engineer, postgraduate) and in all study forms (full-time, combined) will get a student ID card after enrollment.
The student ID card is issued is issued in accordance with § 67 par. 2 of Act no. 131/2002 Z.z. (and the relevant amendments). The student ID card is one of the confirmatory documents of study. It is in the form of a contactless smartcard of type Mifare DESFire EV1.
Full-time students get cards with internationally accepted ISIC visuals. The student ID card and the accompanying ISIC licence is valid till 30th September of the following year (13 months after being issued). Validity of the student card (and the ISIC licence) is extended after enrollment to the following academic year using an ISIC prolongation sticker.

Students of the combined form will get a student ID card with the visuals of TUZVO (no ISIC).
These student cards are valid during the whole bachelor and engineer study period (i.e. they do not need prolongation). Postgraduate students will have their student ID card reissued.

Usage of the student IS card:
- certification of the student status,
- identification of the student within the university,
- getting the initial password for the University information system,
- accessing university buildings and lecture halls with electronic access,
- money account in the student canteen,
- library card in the Slovak Library of Forestry and Wood Sciences,
- accessing the student kiosks (computers in the university buildings),
- external functionality enabling student discounts when travelling by bus or train,
- library card in libraries using Mifare ID cards,
- discounts of the International student identity card (ISIC), see www.isic.sk, www.ckm.sk.
Getting the student ID card:
The cards are issued in the TUZVO Centre of Information Technology in the building of the Slovak Library of Forestry and Wood Sciences, ground floor on the right (K007), first door after the glass corridor door.
The fee for issuing the card is paid by the student using money transfer before the start of the academic year or in cash at the rectorate cash desk office. The same holds for issuing a card duplicate.
- After paying the issuing fee (this may be already included in the year-entry fee), it is necessary to check your personal information against your ID card or passport.
- After checking your personal information, the photograph is taken.
- The student ID card will be issued right away if the situation permits. Otherwise, it will be possible to collect your card in the office later.
- When collecting the student ID card, the student signs a Student ID card request (composed from multiple documents depending of the study type).

Číslo | Názov dokumentu | Typ | Veľkosť |
1 | Žiadosť o vydanie preukazu | ![]() | 561.05 KB |
2 | Informácie o platbe pre novozačínajúceho študenta dennej formy štúdia | ![]() | 339.46 KB |