The Centre of Information Technology (also known as CIT) is an individual organisational part of the Technical University in Zvolen. The CIT provides development and operation of the University IKT infrastructure including informational systems and IT services. Furthermore, the CIT provides operation of the SANET network node and since 2005, the CIT has built the administration of Zvolen optical metropolitan ZOMES network in cooperation with the town of Zvolen.
Hotline TUZVO
Vážení zamestnanci, svoje požiadavky zadajte do Helpdesku, kde sa prihlásite svojimi UIS prihlasovacími údajmi.
According to the Organisational Regulations of the TUZVO, the CIT is an informational, developmental, and economic-administrative workplace belonging under the competence of the Vice-rector for Development. Its mission is to elaborate a conception of development and use of information and communication technologies and informational systems of the
University. Furthermore, the mission is to provide computer technical and programme equipment for the needs of different workplaces of the University and participate in research and educational activities. The CIT rights and obligations as well as its internal organisational structure are governed by the Organisational Regulations of the
Centrum informačných technológiíT. G. Masaryka 20
960 01 Zvolen
Slovenská republika
+421 45 5206 668